Hoy es un dia que quiero pensar que de aqui hacia adelante todo sera diferente, en este dia siento una gran esperanza de que las cosas a partir de ahora las cambiare y no esperare que nadie las cambie sera diferente mis perpectiva de vida, hoy termine de leer un libro que me hizo ver algo diferente no dire el nombre del libro espero que lo adivinen. En este libro habia un chico que uno de sus temores principales era no ser recordado puedo decir que comparto con el ese temor, me teme no ser recordada olvidada con el tiempo pero asi mismo el autor creo una oracion de reflexion para este tipo de personas como el y como yo este consejo lo interpreto la protagonita, el cual era que en algun momento de nuestras existencia quizas pronto quizas años de distancia no existira la humanidad no recorderemos a aristoteles ni creopatra todo sera olvidado asi que no nos preocupemos sobre ese tema dios sabe hacer las cosas.
Pero eso me dio pie a reflexionar lo siguiente quizas si quizas sea recordada por algunos que pronto moriran y ya no habra nadie mas que me recuerde no sere recordada como alejandro magno como aquiles como hector no tendre esa grandeza para ser recordada pero si quiero dejar algo que alguien lo mire despues que que ya no este y que piense sobre quien lo realizo y alli estara mi perduracion en la mente de alguien desconocido para mi y yo desconocida para esa persona quizas segundos pero alguien se preguntara por mi incocientemente.
Por tal motivo empeze hoy a realizar este blog es algo que siempre se me habia ocurrido pero nunca tuve la valentia de empezarlo PORQUE? por timidez por el siemple echo de pensar que para que publicar algo que se que no va a ser tan famoso como esos grandes autores literarios de nuetsro tiempo y despues de esa lectura pense PERO QUE IMPORTA si no sere recordada como gabriel garcia marquez pero estoy haciendo algo que me gusta que si lo ven 1 o 4 personas? no importa. Esa persona desconocida para mi lo Leyo ya va dos reacciones el escribir y que esa persona lo lea.
Quiero recordar este dia como el dia el cual empeze a trazar mi camino empeze a dedicarle mas tiempo a lo que me gusta ser, sin pensar que lo demas lo recuerden lo admiren o lo valoren quiero escribir y empeze hacerlo atraves de este blog quiero tomar fotografias y mañana espero tomar mi camara y captar algunas imagenes quiero seguir leyendo libros quiero aprender a cocinar quiero ser una atleta quiero trotar quiero viajar quiero admirar las estrellas quiero ver el mar de noche quiero oler flores quiero subir a la montaña mas alta y sentarme a ver el mar.
Hoy la mañana fue Gris pero al final de la tarde salio el sol..........
is a day that I think that from here onwards everything will be
different, on this day I feel great hope that things from now'll change
and I'll wait that no one change will be different my perpectiva life
today finished read a book that made me see something different will not say the name of the book I hope you guess. This
book had a guy that one of his biggest fears was not being remembered
can say that I share with that fear, I fear not to be remembered
forgotten with time but also the author think himself a prayer of
reflection for these people as on
this advice and as I interpret the protagonita, which was that at some
point in our existence perhaps years away soon maybe humanity would not
exist to Aristotle or not recorderemos creopatra all be forgotten so we
do not worry about that topic god knows doing things.But
that gave rise to reflect the following maybe if perhaps be remembered
by some who soon will die and there will be no one else to remind me I
will not be remembered as Alexander the Great as achilles and hector I
will not have that greatness to be remembered but if I want to leave
something someone to look after it and not think about this and realize who will
be there and my persistence in the mind of someone unknown to me and
perhaps unknown to the second person but someone asked for my
incocientemente.Therefore today I started to do this blog is something I had always thought but never had the courage to start it WHY? by
shyness miss siemple think to post something that is not going to be as
famous as those of literary greats nuetsro time and thought after
reading that MATTER BUT if not I will be remembered as gabriel garcia
marquez, but I am doing something I like that if they see 1 or 4 people? not matter. That unknown person to me and will read the two reactions that person write and read.
I want to remember this day as the day which I started to draw my I started way to devote more time to what I like to be, without thinking that others will remember you admire or rate it want to write and I started doing THROUGH this blog I want to take photographs and tomorrow I hope to take my camera and capture some images I want to read more books I want to learn to cook want to be an athlete like jogging I travel I want to admire the stars I want to see the sea at night I smell flowers I want to climb the highest mountain and sit and watch the sea.Today morning was gray but the late afternoon the sun came out..........................
I want to remember this day as the day which I started to draw my I started way to devote more time to what I like to be, without thinking that others will remember you admire or rate it want to write and I started doing THROUGH this blog I want to take photographs and tomorrow I hope to take my camera and capture some images I want to read more books I want to learn to cook want to be an athlete like jogging I travel I want to admire the stars I want to see the sea at night I smell flowers I want to climb the highest mountain and sit and watch the sea.Today morning was gray but the late afternoon the sun came out..........................
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